Help related to deflection analyses, such as deflection bowl parameters, backcalculation etc.
Temperature Correction of Backcalculated Moduli
Arno Hefer Administrator Posts: 19
Daily temperature variations occur during deflection surveys, and modulus values determined from backcalculation may therefore exhibit similar trends. While temperature can affect the modulus values of all pavement layers (including unbound layers) stiffness moduli of thick asphalt layers are normally considered for adjustment during routine analysis and design. The adjustment essentially represents normalization of moduli from varying field temperatures to a reference temperature (20 to 25 degrees Celsius)
The Rubicon Toolbox backcalculation templates make provision for surface and air temperature data measured at each test location. These temperatures are, however, not used in any calculations but only stored in the template and output files for future reference.
The following publications can be used as guidance on temperature corrections of backcalculated pavement layer moduli: - Publication FHWA-RD-98-012. Mechanistic evaluation of test data from LTPP flexible pavement test sections, Vol.1: Final Report. US Department of Transport, Federal Highway Administration. April 1998. - Publication FHWA-RD-98-085. Temperature predictions and adjustment factors for asphalt pavements. US Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. June 2000. edited by Arno Hefer on 5/1/2020