HomeHistogram Plot

Discussion and help related to Histogram Plot

Introduction to the Rubicon Histogram Tool Messages in this topic - RSS

Philip van der Wel
Philip van der Wel
Posts: 10

Philip van der Wel
Philip van der Wel
Posts: 10
When preparing a pavement or rehabilitation design report you may want to analyse a population of data, such as the rut depth distribution, on a section of road. Whilst strip maps and scatter plots are helpful, a histogram together with descriptive statistics is a better option for concisely summarizing the distribution of data.

Histogram plots and statistics can be prepared in Excel, however the calculations and graph formatting all take time. The Rubicon Toolbox Histogram tool allows you to quickly generate a histogram plot and descriptive statistics with minimal effort. See How to use the Rubicon Toolbox Histogram Tool for detailed instructions.

edited by on 11/20/2020
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