
General topics, mostly non-technical relating to licenses, support, etc.

How License Check-In and Check-Out Works Messages in this topic - RSS

Fritz Jooste
Fritz Jooste
Posts: 6

Fritz Jooste
Fritz Jooste
Posts: 6
In the Rubicon Online Tools, licenses for different tools are assigned to a business (or "account"). A business can be an entire corporation or a branch of a corporation - this depends on how clients want license costs to be invoiced.

If a client has 2 licenses for tool A, then a license is "checked out" when any user opens Tool A. If a second user then opens Tool A, the second license is checked out. Thus if another user tries to open Tool A while the first two users have the 2 licenses checked out, they will get an "Unlicensed" notification because both available licenses are checked out.

IMPORTANT! A license is only "checked in" when a tool is closed and the user returns to the Online Tools page. If a user closes the browser without returning to the Online Tools page, then the license will remain checked out under that user's name until they log back in and open the Online Tools page.

Thus if you see an "Unlicensed" notification when you do not expect to see one, check that none of your colleagues have a license checked out. If they do, ask them to log back in - this should automatically check back the license that was checked out under their name.

We are working on a feature that will notify users if a license is checked out to other persons in their organisation - also showing the names of the users that have licenses checked out. This should make it quite easy for you to understand why you see an "Unlicensed" option when you expect a license to be available.
edited by fenella@rubsol.co.za on 8/10/2016
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